Recommendation: Provide education and training for health, social and environmental sustainability
Past thinking and approaches about our relationship with nature and how to achieve prosperity need revision, as evidenced by the fact that we are destroying the planetary system that supports us, whilst widening divides between the ‘have’ and the ‘have-nots’. New ways of thinking and approaches are needed, based on a ‘triple-win’ mindset, which would encourage individuals to consider the systems they are part of and how their actions impact on others and the world around them, and foster understanding and ownership of actions for greater sustainability. Approaches based on this thinking must be incorporated into teacher training, introduced into school curricula and incorporated in all aspects of professional development, including for the “leaders of tomorrow”. In half of the focus groups conducted in the context of INHERIT case studies, participants expressed the wish for further training or education in relation to the ‘triple-win’ practices.

Voices from INHERIT
Voices from INHERIT
A wide range of implementors of the INHERIT Case Studies expressed a desire for further training and education. They mentioned training for teachers in relation to urban gardens (Green Gyms and Meat Free Mondays) or to train older people to become mentors for children in urban gardens (GemuseAckerdemie). Others wanted to train children to become multipliers of energy efficiency education (Energy Efficiency), or to train farmers how to become part of cooperatives (PROVE).
Education! In 3 years’ time, I would like to have a campus in collaboration with a university of applied sciences: NVH. Also includes green social work. In education there must be pre-sorting on these kinds of initiatives.
What can be done? Insights from INHERIT
What can be done? Insights from INHERIT

INHERIT triple-win case studies
More information on the INHERIT case studies can be found in the Annex: triple-win case studies
Green Gyms & Meat Free Monday and GemüseAckerdemie
Two nature-based school interventions delivering multiple benefits, for instance developing children’s connection with nature and their appreciation for food, impacting positively on their physical health as well as their mental health and wellbeing by enhancing social interaction. Green Gyms was particularly beneficial for children struggling with work in the classroom.
Sustainable Food in Public Schools
Initiative providing education and training to teachers, kitchen staff and parents on healthy sustainably-produced diets. Assessed as economically beneficial (the potential benefits exceed the costs in a ratio of approximately six to one).
INHERIT Promising practice database
IT tool (website and apps) that scores products on the basis of health, environment, human rights and animal welfare considerations. It covers products available in a number of affiliated supermarket chains in the Netherlands.
Additional Reading from INHERIT
Report: Policy Road Map
Francesca Grossi, Rosa Strube, Arlind Xhelili & Ingrid Stegeman (2018) An INHERIT policy roadmap: Effective interventions towards healthier, more equitable and environmentally sustainable European societies