Confronted with unprecedented climate changes around the world—from sudden heatwaves to unexpected droughts, to violent flash floods and devastating forest fires— we are living in a time of great environmental uncertainty coupled with societal challenges that leave us looking for solutions. We are on the cusp of great transformations in the way we live, consume, and move.
“Climate change and global warming are the main challenges we face. Therefore we have to adapt our energy production and consumption pattern as soon as possible. We have to clean up our planet. Cities can and should make the difference.”
In local communities and national governments, new solutions are being developed to advance more sustainable ways of living, moving, and consuming that will ultimately lead to more equitable in societies. This is what the INHERIT project is investigating, researching and developing around Europe: solutions that provide greater societal equity, environmental sustainability and better health.
“The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age are vital to develop healthy lives. Action on the social determinants of health are necessary in achieving an equitable distribution of health.”
We are in the midst of innovative ideas and projects leading the societal transformation to more environmentally sustainable and healthier ways of living, moving and consuming and more equitable and inclusive ways of treating and involving all strands of society. The #InheritYourFuture Forum propels the potential for a better future for all. What must change to shape the future you want to inherit?
“The economic and political systems that lead to large inequalities in wealth, health, security and quality of life, and associated environmental degradation.”
Today in Vienna, the #InheritYourFuture Forum presents and debates new ideas and initiatives focused on sustainable diets, active transport, urban green spaces and energy efficient housing that are paving the way to more sustainable lifestyles. Involving researchers, media, and policy-makers from around Europe, the forum also highlights four future scenarios depicting different positive realities for a sustainable Europe, at the crossroads between public and private trends and between individualistic and collective social dynamics.
“We must think longer term and more holistic and we need to think governance. We need good regulation in light of the rapidly growing problems with all three aspects of sustainability: economically – we face growing macroeconomic imbalances; socially – our societies are facing growing income disparities; and environmentally – we are running down our ecosystems. This all needs more urgent change than what awareness raising and individual behaviour change could achieve.”
Sustainability is not just a trendy, fluffy word – it should define and become part of everything we do on Earth – it is the core of the circular economy that is entering every industry – it is becoming embedded in our minds and actions. Sustainability, in every aspect it can be applied, is the solution. We invite you to join this journey with us to #InheritYourFuture.
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